March 2018: Ted Cahall is working on moving this site to a more friendly blogging platform to allow more frequent updates. Please stay tuned!

March 2017: The Washington DC Region (WDCR) or the SCCA awarded Ted Cahall with the Regional Executive award for the development of the race tracking web application!

February 2016: Ted Cahall of Cahall Racing has been hard at work on the MARRS Points tracking application for the Washington DC Region's, Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series (MARRS). Updates to this site have been delayed by that work. There are many new cars and most of the cars shown here have been sold, retired, or died an untimely death. Currently the Cahall Racing Stable contains four (4) 1999 Spec Miata (SM) cars, one (1) 2003 Spec Miata (SM) car, and a 2006 MX-5 that can be driven in the STL or SM5 classes. The motorhome is still chugging along as well.

January 2012: Cahall Racing has updated their car section with the latest information on their SM, SM5, and STL race cars.

Cahall Racing is a team of brothers that race as part of SCCA Club Racing. The team came together over the years with Ted Cahall getting his regional and national license in 2009, followed by Larry Cahall getting his licenses in 2010.   In 2011, brother Bob Cahall rounded out the team by obtaining his Novice Permit at Summit Point, WV. Not only did Bob receive both his regional and national competition licenses, but he was also the first Cahall brother to compete in a national race in his rookie year.

Track the Cahall brothers schedule of racing events in 2014, 2015 and results on the web site. The 2016 season is listed as a page on the MARRS Points site.

Ted, Larry, and Bob want to thank Meathead Racing for its continued support of their ongoing racing endeavors.